
Wordpress Migration - From localhost to live website

== Brief  Wordpress Migration Overview ==

1. Prepare
2. Export The Database
3. Adjust Paths
4. Upload Files
5. Re-Import The Database
6. Edit wp-config.php

10 Steps for Local Installation of WordPress on Localhost (XAMPP)

Screenshot of phpMyAdmin (3.2.4)Image via Wikipedia

1. Place unzipped Wordpress folder in XAMPP folder (local host). Rename

appropriately, site domain name ( /mysite ) or subdomain name ( /blog).

2. Create SQL database via phpMyAdmin. Use folder name (sitename) for

database name.

3. Go to Privileges. 

3a. Add  a new user.
Enter localhost for "Host"
Choose a username and password. eg.
user = admin or demo
password = admin or demo - can be blank ONLY for local testing
Scroll down. Click Go.

 3b.Set database specific priveleges. Allows user to connect and modifiy

database. Check All. Click Go.

4. Point browser to location Wordpress installed. Click "Create a

Configuration File" button

5.  Enter Database Name, User Name, Password, Database Host that you

set in phpMyAdmin. Enter an appropriate Table Prefix. eg. sitename_
(don't use wp_ if running multiple WP installations)

6. Click the install button
7. Enter blog title and email.
8. Success! CAREFULLY Copy auto-generated password before clicking login.
9. Enter username. Paste password login to  Dashboard.
10.  Immediately update profile by changing the password to your own.


Wordpress Template Hierarchy.Image via Wikipedia

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