
Wordpress Migration - From localhost to live website

== Brief  Wordpress Migration Overview ==

1. Prepare
2. Export The Database
3. Adjust Paths
4. Upload Files
5. Re-Import The Database
6. Edit wp-config.php

10 Steps for Local Installation of WordPress on Localhost (XAMPP)

Screenshot of phpMyAdmin (3.2.4)Image via Wikipedia

1. Place unzipped Wordpress folder in XAMPP folder (local host). Rename

appropriately, site domain name ( /mysite ) or subdomain name ( /blog).

2. Create SQL database via phpMyAdmin. Use folder name (sitename) for

database name.

3. Go to Privileges. 

3a. Add  a new user.
Enter localhost for "Host"
Choose a username and password. eg.
user = admin or demo
password = admin or demo - can be blank ONLY for local testing
Scroll down. Click Go.

 3b.Set database specific priveleges. Allows user to connect and modifiy

database. Check All. Click Go.

4. Point browser to location Wordpress installed. Click "Create a

Configuration File" button

5.  Enter Database Name, User Name, Password, Database Host that you

set in phpMyAdmin. Enter an appropriate Table Prefix. eg. sitename_
(don't use wp_ if running multiple WP installations)

6. Click the install button
7. Enter blog title and email.
8. Success! CAREFULLY Copy auto-generated password before clicking login.
9. Enter username. Paste password login to  Dashboard.
10.  Immediately update profile by changing the password to your own.


Wordpress Template Hierarchy.Image via Wikipedia


Turn off WordPress Comments

A screenshot of the default WordPress theme.Image via Wikipedia



Don Spark
Posted 2 years ago #


Simple question:

How do I make comments "turned off" by default?

I am shaping up a WP CMS for non-technical users. They shouldnt have to worry about erroneous check boxes.


Don Spark

Posted 2 years ago #

Settings >> Discussion >> uncheck "Allow people to post comments on new articles"

This applies to new posts that you will publish from now on. To disallow comments from already publish posts:

Posts >> select them all and "Edit" under bulk actions and hit apply >> choose "do not allow" next to comments and hit update posts.

Posted 2 years ago #

What TransPersonal said. And, if you want to make it pseudo-permanent, you can delete the comments tag in single.php (and in page.php if you have one there)from your theme.

Posted 2 years ago #

The topic title talks about "pages". Assuming that you want to continue have discussion on your blog posts but turn it off only from "pages, you'll have to remove the code snippet "" from the page.php of your theme, as mercime advised.

If your theme uses some other template for pages, you find it out and snip out the line.


Don Spark
Posted 2 years ago #

I just want to turn it off by default...on pages only. I want blog posts to have comments by default but not pages. The checkbox has a checked by default. I want it un-checked by default for pages.

I am using the hybrid theme framework. That theme has a page.php which has this only this referring to comments

Is something in there putting a check in the box or does that exist somewhere else in wordpress?

We are going to be making lots of pages with nubies.


Posted 2 years ago #

If you want to have comments in your blog posts, then leave the comments on in Settings > Discussion. Then in order to disable comments in Pages, delete in page.php

Posted 2 years ago #

You can remove that line of code if you want to disable comment on pages.

Instead you can "comment out" the line of code thus:

You can remove the "//" part when you want to turn on comments on pa

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PHP Web Design 101

The Most Powerful Way to Build Your Website

Elementary explanation of basic HTMLPHP website structure:
First defining DOCTYPES and META data then

Main 3 parts of every page:
HEADER header.php
FOOTER footer.php
SIDEBAR sidebar.php

connect together pages with main content
via php statement

in at least one required
INDEX PAGE index.php

may add other pages of content with PHP INCLUDES of 3 main parts

Also gives good basic explanation of how to use CASCADING STYLESHEET, style.css,  to format entire site.

Lots of beginners tips to fix common problems like

Use MIN-HEIGHT when sizing the elements that aren't fixed height.
Zeroing MARGINS and PADDING for body selector.
Adding AUTOFLOW to get wrapping parent divs to stretch across floating child divs.
Add 'wrapper' class with AUTO MARGINS around each div you need to CENTER

Detailed explanation of how to style UNLIMITED LIST of links into a horizontal list for navigation with
TEXT-DECORATION NONE removes bullets
OVERFLOW:HIDDEN keep color from flowing beyond nav bar boundaries.

Additional videos on http://www.johnmorrisonline.com
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Google Analytics Video and Lessons


Google Analytics IQ Lessons


SZW Schwarzwald Music Website | Final Logo

After numerous trials with filters and blend options I came up with a unique sophisticated slick marble text effect that isn't the usually 3-D blocks of stone. Then I added extensive detailing of shadows and lighting effects for each splash component. I presented the final "lipstick grunge" logo on a darker grungy aged mossy green marbleized canvas.  (click image to enlarge)


SZW Schwarzwald Logo | Photoshop development

Click images to enlarge.
 I created a custom pattern with a seamless real marble texture similar to his mockup. Typed "SZW" as plain text using MOD font on marbled canvas. Originally client wanted to keep text effect simple and white underneath the liquid splashes.

To avoid the "cheesiness" of plain white, I suggest adding a white satin effect created with a barely visible gradient and grey 1 px stroke.
  For some depth add very low opacity outer glow to float letters over marbled canvas.
Keeping in mind we are trying to create a new unique styling concept he has defined as "lipstick grunge" I used his original splashes in different positions in a deeper red color (instead his original orchid deep pink color) to achieve the dual impression of blood and lipstick. 

In order to achieve the effect of wrapping arround indiviual letters, I retype each letter as single character in its own layer directly over "SZW" layer. Then duplicate each rear splash on top of corresponding letter. Then used layer mask to erase splash pixels covering letters and reveal only splash pixels covering letter.

 I transformed some splashes to smaller sizes I could insert between individual letters.
 I revealed original "SZW" text layer (all 3 characters together) with outer glow underneath.
 Added low opacity inner glow to each letter. 
I cut out some small speckles from splashes to cover some space for better visual composition and increase impression of liquid movement. 

Arrows point out the subtle discrepancies in realistic lighting and shadowing on the splashes.

 I used levels and contrast adjustment layers to achieve a more realistic lighting and shadow effects on each splash layer.
I used non destructive dodge/burn technique to fix additional shading on interior components
Client full approved design so far, but we decided to allow me to come up with a "marbled" text effect.

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