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I created a custom pattern with a seamless real marble texture similar to his mockup. Typed "SZW" as plain text using MOD font on marbled canvas. Originally client wanted to keep text effect simple and white underneath the liquid splashes.
To avoid the "cheesiness" of plain white, I suggest adding a white satin effect created with a barely visible gradient and grey 1 px stroke.
For some depth add very low opacity outer glow to float letters over marbled canvas.
Keeping in mind we are trying to create a new unique styling concept he has defined as "lipstick grunge" I used his original splashes in different positions in a deeper red color (
instead his original orchid deep pink color) to achieve the dual impression of blood and lipstick.
In order to achieve the effect of wrapping arround indiviual letters, I retype each letter as single character in its own layer directly over "SZW" layer. Then duplicate each rear splash on top of corresponding letter. Then used layer mask to erase splash pixels covering letters and reveal only splash pixels covering letter.
I transformed some splashes to smaller sizes I could insert between individual letters.
I revealed original "SZW" text layer (all 3 characters together) with outer glow underneath.
Added low opacity inner glow to each letter.
I cut out some small speckles from splashes to cover some space for better visual composition and increase impression of liquid movement.
Arrows point out the subtle discrepancies in realistic lighting and shadowing on the splashes.
I used levels and contrast adjustment layers to achieve a more realistic lighting and shadow effects on each splash layer.
I used non destructive dodge/burn technique to fix additional shading on interior components
Client full approved design so far, but we decided to allow me to come up with a "marbled" text effect.